Mission Statement
The W.A.A strives To make Whittlesey Angling Association the most successful angling club in the East of England in the eyes of our visitors, members and committee.

Reminder for future reference
Please be aware that the land to the top of the Bank at Holloways Bridge is actually owned by Mr & Mrs Hargrave who occupy the house and paddock behind the pegs from 273 to 289 please keep away from their fence and clear all litter as per the notices erected. Therefore the gate will only be opened for fishing use when permission is granted by the land owners, who will not be held responsible for any injuries whilst on this section of bank.
WAA Match details:-
All Sat matches draw time is now 9.30am and fish 10.30am until 3.30pm.
(£1 Pegging fee plus optional sweep £5).
All Junior Matches are currently suspended